
Thea Presto is a new render engine that has been written bottom-up, from scratch, and runs entirely on your graphics card processor. The engine has been especially tuned for fast interactive rendering and pushes GPU computing to the limits, while keeping the high photorealistic quality of Thea Render.

Presto is a unique GPU engine and it is based on Nvidia CUDA, which means that a compatible graphic card is needed to run it. It also supports Multiple GPUs (for normal Darkroom rendering) and co-operative render­ing over the network. All the CUDA supporting cards can be used.

With Thea Presto, we have finally reached Thea version 1.2 with the long anticipated GPU based rendering capacities which will definitely boost rendering speed in Thea and will make it one of the top notch rendering apps (if not the top-most one) among photorealistic engines.