thea render overlay rendering mode

Solid Iris, Thea Render developers, dropped a bomb into rendering world this week previewing the new features for interactive rendering in SketchUp called Interactive Render Overlay.

In their next release SketchUp users will be able to see their models come to life directly within the modeling area. Read more to check out the video as to why this is a game changer for SketchUp.

Thea for SketchUp Interactive Rendering Overlay

It is a simply stunning piece of tech demo that will soon be a reality for SketchUp users sooner than we think!

Tomasz Marek, the Thea for SketchUp developer, has hinted that release is only around the corner and that Thea's recent improvements make this one of the strongest and most integrated rendering solutions for SketchUp

Users have drawn comparisons to LightUp because of the use of the workspace as the rendering window but Thea and LightUp are different beasts entirely.

We can't wait to get our hands on this.


About the Author

rich O'Brien

This article was written by 

Rich is SketchUcation's Managing Director and Certified SketchUp Trainer. He has a background in aviation technical training and is also the editor of CatchUp WebMag