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adding ivy in photoshop

Using image editors like PhotoShop or GIMP to add elements can dramatically reduce render times and help to keep your SketchUp scenes more navigable.

In this tutorial you will learn how a masked image can quickly add an extra dimension to your SketchUp renders.

This method requires you to be familiar with PhotoShop or GIMP and be able to apply masks and perform various brightness corrections.

Basic Method

1. Open your raw render in PhotoShop and paste a copy of some ivy on a new layer. You can find some great ivy textures on CGTextures.


2. Using Edit > Transform > Perspective you can align the ivy layer with the base wall.


3. Move the ivy layer below the render and add a Layer Mask to the render layer.


4. With the Layer Mask selected you can paint the render layer BLACK to reveal portions of the ivy layer. Painting with WHITE will restore the render layer.


5. Adjust the lighting of the ivy layer to match render.


6. Repeat the steps in other areas to add ivy in multiple locations. 


Advanced Method

You can also use an Ivy Brush to add even more realism to your masked area. You can download some great Ivy Brushes that make the mask easier to paint over on DeviantArt.

Load your Ivy Brushes into Photoshop and repeat steps 1 to 3 from above.

A. With your Layer Mask selected you can now use the Ivy Brush to reveal the underlying texture but with far more precision and definition to the shape and growth of the ivy.

Using brushes

B. With various brush types and different hues you can generate a myriad of effects in a matter of minutes.

creating variants

C. With your ivy now in place drag the render Layer Mask to the ivy layer to associate the mask to this layer.


D. Invert the mask so that it is now BLACK on WHITE using CTRL+I


E. Apply the Layer Mask by right clicking the mask.


F. You now have the ivy as a completely formed and shaped element.
